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Zaktualizowano13 grudnia 2024

Aidlab has an internal, lithium-polymer rechargeable battery, which currently provides the best performance for your device. Compared with traditional battery technology, lithium-polymer batteries are lighter, charge faster, last longer, and have a higher power density for more battery life.

Charge the battery

To charge your Aidlab battery, do the following:

Note: Avoid charging Aidlab through your keyboard unless it features a high-power USB port.

The LED indicator shows the charging status:

If Aidlab's battery is critically low, it may blink briefly, indicating the need for up to 10 minutes of charging before it can be used.

How to prolong the battery life

Try to avoid charging for short periods to boost a few percent. The battery won't be damaged by doing so, but doing it frequently will lead to decreased overall capacity. Keep in mind, every battery has a certain number of charging cycles before it starts degenerating. Try to use those cycles fully.

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